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Consulate General of Sweden



Home Newsletter Scrapbook (pre-2002) 2000: Helan Går! (Crawfish Party)
2000: Helan Går! (Crawfish Party) Print

Bellaire, TX -- March 11, 2000. The annual Swedish Club Crawfish Party was held Saturday March 11 on the front lawn of Mike and Ylva Forsten's home. As usual, our hosts did a splendid job. In only their third year of hosting the event, Mike and Ylva have perfected the logistics and execution that a successful party requires.

As hosts, Mike and Ylva (and some friends and club members) set up the tent, tables and chairs; negotiated the amount and the price of the crawfish; procured a refrigerator, a porta-potty, and lots of lanterns and candles; set up the sound system; and prepared a variety of items to complement the main course of boiled crawfish. It was a lot of work, but it sure was worth it!

The evening began when Swedish Club President Peter Widmark kicked off the party with a brief welcome. From that point, the food was brought out, and the music and feasting began. Peter Widmark provided the music for the evening. There was a lot of singing that accompanied the music. As the evening went on, there was some more singing, some dancing, and a whole lot of laughter and camaraderie.

The crowd was smaller this year, but the level of fun was not. It was a great party and a whole lot of fun. Plan on being a part of it next year... same time of year... same place... same good times.